“The Beauty in Brokenness”

There’s an old story about two pots. One was perfect in every way. The other had cracks and broken places. Each day a woman filled the pots with rainwater she had collected and then carried them down the path to her home. The first pot felt proud that she never spilled a single drop. The other felt ashamed because no matter how hard she tried, she lost a lot along the way.  One day the pots overheard the woman talking with someone who lived nearby. The neighbor exclaimed, “The flowers along your bath are so beautiful. What is your secret?” The woman answered, “One of my pots is broken, and the water that spills out helps the flower grow every day.”

That story reminds me of a recent situation.  During that time my pain seemed especially pointless. I also felt concern that nothing good would ever come of it. Lord, I silently prayed, how can you even use me when I’m so broken? As I paused and considered that question, the song above came onto the radio “By his wounds”. When the music ended, I began to develop a new perspective on my hurt. I realized that through Christ wounds we are healed and because He lives in us, our wounds can bring healing to others too. We think that we have to take what’s broken and make it perfect in order to be used by God and bless others. God thinks in a completely different way, however. He took what was perfect, His Son and made Him broken in order to bring us healing. If you’re sitting there wondering if God can use you because your life is not as it should be and your heart is aching, know that your greatest hurt will probably be your greatest ministry. Like the disciple Thomas (John 20:27-28), who doubted until he touched the visible wounds on Jesus in order to believe, some people in your life need to see your broken places more than your victories. And it could change their life. We’re all like the second pot in the story. God sees purpose in our brokenness even when we don’t, and He can use it to bring forth beauty that blesses those around us.

Original Post From 12/7/2011

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